Monday, May 18, 2015

Hump Day (Up! Up! Up!) We Can Only Go up from Here

Letter from April 13, 2015

Hola todos!

Well not gonna lie, a bit scary that I'm going to complete 9 months in the mission this week. Because now, its all down hill! On the brightside it makes me want to work harder and focus more and enjoy my time on the mission while I can! Also, cant believe Im gonna be 20! Sometimes it doesnt feel like Im any older, and then sometimes I feel like a completly different person...
Which is quite true! I've changed in so many ways and hope that I can continue to improve and to become the person and missionary that my Heavenly Father wants and needs me to be. I hope from here on I can only get better. 

Well first off, I would like to thank you all for the prayers! The law of chastity and word of wisdom were NO problem for Yanett. I think it definitly helped that we were fasting when we taught her:) But, she says she has a problem with going to church every week because she has gotten into the rutine of sleeping in on sunday and not doing anything and so she doesnt feel ready to get baptized because she knows she wont be able to commit to coming to church every sunday afterwards. So if we can all keep praying for her! She didnt show up to church yesterday either... but she continues to read and pray and she has told us that she feels the spirit whenever we are with her and when she went to General Conference. So please keep praying for her! I know that she can come to make this sacred covenant with her Heavenly Father, we only need to help her to feel the desire to get rid of all the worldly things in her life. 

So this week we had intercambios (splits) and I was with Hermana Mariscal (the new Sister Training Leader) who is from Ecuador, but grew up in Jersey and she is literally the best! I love her! And guess who her companion is? Hermana Mckenna, who was with me in the MTC! But anyways I want to tell you about the amazing day we had together:

We contacted pretty much all day and we gave out 3 BOMs! She so awesome, we gave out two and she said, lets go back to the house and grab two more books! Lol. Love it. And we taught a less active, then we were on our way to a meeting in the church when the elders called us and said it was cancelled. SO we were walking and she pulled me aside and said, hey lets say a prayer for guidance. And we were in a little park thats in front of a few houses. And as I was praying I got the impression to contact the last house on the street. So we did it. And it was just a normal contact so we continued down this street until we met Isidora! We asked her if we could share a message with her and she let us in and we taught The Restoration super powerfully! She accepted a book of mormon and that she would be baptized if she recieved her answer! IT WAS WONDERFUL! One of the most spiritual days I've had on my mission. And I'm so grateful that the Lord has blessed me and all of you during these 9 months. Isn't He just amazing???
Well I love you all dearly and hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful week:))

Un abraso y beso por cada uno,Hna Logan 

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