Monday, October 20, 2014

The Strength of the Lord


Ok so this week was pretty interesting... it had its ups and its downs... And your probably ALL wondering what happened??!! Because you have nothing better to do than read my exciting letters(right Bishop:))? So, this week none of our investigators are progressing. None are assisting church and none had a baptismal date. But this week we went to the house of the 17 year old named Jaunito. My first mamá and I went to his house many times but he never had time to sit down and have an actual lesson. But this time he did. So we taught him and it was amazing! During the lesson my compañera asked him if he had any questions for us. Guess what he said?? HOW CAN I BE A MEMBER OF YOUR CHURCH? So we went ahead and taught him Lesson 3 (The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the end) and invited him to be baptized on November 2nd. And he said YES! So we were stoked! Like, full of the spirit and rejoicing! Then on saturday our Zone had a fast for all of our investigators, etc. And so we fasted especially that we could have at least 1 investigator at church and especially Jaunito because they have to assist church at least 2 times before they are baptized. And guess what happened??? NOTHING. We had NO ONE attend church this sunday. And so you can imagine how disappointed we are. And I´m having to learn how I can deal with this whole agency thing...BUT, now he is sick and I believe its because he didn't come to church, but thats just me. But we are going to try to figure out how we can help him and what exactly his need is. 

Also one day we were contacting and this guy came up to me and said, "Yeah, tell me your message." And I was pretty taken aback and so I started sharing pretty shakily our message. Then he said, "How long have you been in Chile?" And I said, "Seven weeks," and he said, "Okay, tell me your message in English because it will be more sincere." So I was still a little in shock, but I did. I shared our message in English and gosh the difference in the Spirit was SO apparent. And after my compañera told me that my testimony in English was super powerful. So I learned this week something that I had been struggling with a lot lately. Because Satan has put in my mind many doubts of why I'm here on a mission and whether or not I can really do this. But after that I remembered why I'm really here. That I do have a powerful testimony to share with the world and I just need to rely on it. It's there, waiting to be shared and I'm worrying to much on HOW to say it than what TO say. 

Also, this week my compañera and I had a few REALLY powerful lessons. The spirit was SO strong and I have definitely found that Heavenly Father has been helping me and supporting me SO much this week. There have been times where I feel like I just can't take another step, like I can't go on but there I am still going. And I know it's because of my Heavenly Father and your prayers for me.

Also I feel impressed to tell you that you should read Preach my Gospel. Really it isn't only for missionaries. It is for EVERYONE! The apostles spent YEARS praying over what should be in the book. And it is truely all we need to know! So your homework this week, is to start incorporating PMG in your lives. The words are simple but powerful. And I know you will find in there things you really need to know. 

I love you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!! And think about you every day! 

Con todo mi corazon y amor,
Hna Logan

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